Films for cinema
a new film of the awarded and international known "Leipzig-Series" (1986-1997)
18 years after the last film from 1997 we are coming back again to see some people we meet years ago...
INVISIBLE- illegal in Europe 2004, 35 mm, digital Beta, 90 min.
A film about five refugees living illegaly in five European Countries
- European Docu zone Award, 2004
Grosse Weite Welt/ The Big Wide World 1997, 35 mm, colour/ bw, 90 min.
Ostpreussenland/ Tales of East Prussia 1995, 16 mm, 90 min.
- Viennale, Wien, 1996
Glaube Liebe Hoffnung/ Faith Love and Hope 1994, 35 mm, bw, 90 min.
- Grand Prix for the best documentary, Strasbourg International Film Festival
Grenzland eine Reise/ Border Territories- a Journey 1992, 16 mm, 90 min.
- Main Prize at Strasbourg International Film Festival, France
Letztes Jahr Titanic/ Last Year Titanic 1991, 35 mm, bw, 95 min.
- Adolf- Grimme- Prize for the best documentary in German television
Leipzig im Herbst/ Leipzig in Autumn 1989, 35 mm, bw, 52 min.
- The International Jury Prize, Leipzig International Film Festival 1989
Leute mit Landschaft/ People with Landscape 1988, 16 mm, 88 min.
Alfred 1986, 35 mm, colour/bw, 42 min.
- Prize of the Film Clubs for the best documentary
Festivals (selection)
Berlin international forum of young cinema, Leipzig International Documentary Film Festival, Cinéma du réel, Paris, Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Munich Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam International Film Festival, Festival dei Popoli, Florenz, International Film Festival Strasbourg, Salechard (Siberia), Viennale Wien, zagrebdox, Thessaloniki
Screenings (selection)
Great Britain, Iceland, India, Mexico, Russia, Poland, Hong Kong, Denmark, Singapore, Swiss, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Japan, USA